Metadata scope
Each individual work is documented as follows in MEI metadata. (For a technical documentation on how to enter these metadata in MerMEId, see guidelines.)
General metadata
- title (one main, possibly fictitious, title; additional titles for works with several named movements such as responsories and vespers, and for the long title of oratorios)
- incipits (numbered consecutively)
- identification
- WerW: number according to this catalogue
- Dopf: thematic catalogue of masses by Dopf (1956)
- HarCa: thematic catalogue (unfinished) by Hárich (1990)
- HarIn: Werner’s inventory of 1737/38 (H-Bn Acta mus. 4251; prefixes I–XIII) and thematic catalogue of 1740 (prefixes A–G) as described by Hárich (1975)
- PetSi: catalogue of instrumental works by Petermayr (2020) (Kon: Konzerte; Par: Partiten; Pas: Pastorellen (geistlich); Sin: Sinfonien; Sog: Sonaten (geistlich); Sow: Sonaten (weltlich))
- PetWe: catalogue of Christmas music by Petermayr (2015)
- WinMa: catalogue of masses by Winkler-Klement (2020)
- scoring (abbreviations as used in RISM)
- roles (optional; names of the vocal soloists)
- genre: antiphon, canticle, concerto, gradual, hymn, lamentation, litany, Marian antiphon, Marian hymn, mass, motet, offertory, oratorio, partita, pastorella, profane vocal music, psalm, requiem, responsory, rorate, sacred song, sequece, sinfonia, sonata, te deum, vesper
- place and date of composition
- bibliography
- work notes (e.g., why is an attribution spurious?)
This section describes the individual movements of the work.
- one entry for each movement
- consecutive number (fictitious)
- title
- tempo
- key
- meter
- extent in bars
- scoring
- roles (optional)
- text incipit (optional)
- notes (optional)
- orchestral incipit, comprising all instruments and voices
- if applicable, a table describing individual sections (i.e., parts of the movement with distinct key, meter, scoring …)
This section describes the known sources of the work.
- source type (autograph manuscript, partly autograph manuscript, manuscript copy, print, or lost manuscript)
- classification in six categories:
- content: main type of content; ‘notated music’ or ‘text’ (e.g., libretti)
- presentation: the source’s basic mode of production or carrier; ‘manuscript’ or ‘print’
- authority: ‘autograph’, ‘doubtful autograph’, ‘partly autograph’, or ‘copy’
- scoring: ‘score’, ‘parts’, ‘vocal score’, or ‘score and parts’
- state: the source’s place in the process of creation or production ‘draft’, ‘fair copy’, or ‘first edition’
- completeness:
- ‘complete’ indicates that this source is complete
- ‘incomplete’ indicates that one or more parts are missing from a set of parts
- ‘excerpt’ designates a section of a work, published or copied for stand-alone performance
- ‘fragment’ indicates that portions of the music are missing, e.g. a fragmentary sketch or a source from which pages are lost
- location(s) (library siglum, shelfmark, link to digitized version or catalogue entry)
- RISM identifier
- publication (publisher, place) and dating
- one or more title pages (each title page is labeled by its position and represents a diplomatic transcription)
- physical description
- extent (number of parts or pages/folios)
- approximate size in cm (height x width)
- number of staves per page, rastral size (if known)
- components and notes
- individual parts with number of written pages in parentheses
- miscellaneous notes